Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Female Role Models - Happy Birthday Mom

Today is my mother's 70th birthday!
To honor what a wonderful role model she has been for me, I wanted to share 7 things that she has taught me...
1. Sunday best is called Sunday best for a reason. Dress up when you are going to church.
2. Proper grammar is important. Speak it, model it, and correct it. Then, your children will learn it.
3. Treat everyone equally. A conversation with the clerk at the grocery store is just as meaningful as the one you have with the CEO of a business corporation.
4. Manners are an art form that need to be learned and practiced.
5. Everyone deserves a second chance.
6. Being a good mother and wife is perhaps the most important job that one can have...and the hardest.
7. In order to impact your community, you have to be a part of it. Be active, be visible, and be carefully engaged.

My mother has never met a bridge game she didn't love, a stranger she did not smile warmly to, or a child that did not melt her heart. She has been an active citizen in her community all of her life: giving back by doing community clean ups, supportive civic club meetings, and volunteering at a second hand clothing shop. But, if you ask her neighbors what they see her doing most, it would probably be walking the dog around the neighborhood and stopping to chat with all the people she encounters...bragging about her grandchildren, her children, and her friends.

She has taught me so much, and I am so very thankful that she has been my role model of how to be the best wife, mother and friend that I can be.

So, who is your female role model? and have you thanked them for what they have taught you? To honor my mother's 70th birthday, please reach out to that person and thank them for how they have inspired you!

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